
Our Mission

Impact Church Worldwide exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, live the Gospel, build others up in the Gospel, and disciple the nations – to the glory of God.


He is Creator and sustainer of all things. He created the world and everything in it for His purpose and glory. He called everything He made "good" and He loves us.
(Genesis 1)


Holy Spirit is the spirit of God that lives within every believer. He is our comforter, counselor and helper who convicts us of sin, guides us through life and empowers us to live holy.
(John 16:7-9)


Sin is more than just doing wrong. It's also knowing what to do and NOT doing it. God made us to be like Him and Anything that misrepresents Him is sin. Sin is the reason mankind was separated from God and the reason why Jesus had to go to the cross. The penalty of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ.
(Romans 6:23)


Being baptized is a required step in becoming a believer and follower of Christ. It's symbolic of spiritual rebirth and a necessary part of conversion.
(Acts 2:38)


Our purpose is wrapped up in the Great Commission. Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations. This means to do exactly as He did - be His hands and feet and represent Him. We are to show the love, compassion and goodness of God to the world and help bring people back to Christ.
(Matthew 28:19)


He is the Son of God. Fully God and fully man, He came to earth to show us the image of God and to redeem us from the penalty of our sins. He is the Savior of the world.
(John 3:16)


We are all created in the image and likeness of God. We are different than the rest of creation because God made us to be unique reflections of Him. Every person has a God-given purpose and every person is loved by God. Because of the fall, we all need a savior
(Psalm 139:13-15)


Salvation means right-standing with God. Contrary to popular belief, being good enough doesn't make you right with God. The only way to do this is to accept Jesus' atoning sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Because He died and rose from the dead, we have forgiveness from our sins and relationship with God the father and we are promised an eternity in Heaven.
(Romans 5:1-8)

the church

The Church is the body of Christ and He is the head. It is not the buildings that make the church, but the people of God who come together to build one another up and worship God in unity. The church is a global entity tied together by the Holy Spirit. If you belong to Christ, you're a part of this HUGE family.
(1 Corinthians 12:13)